Media & Outreach
The Dissenter. (2024). Luis Favela: Complexity science, 4E cognition, and explanatory pluralism. [Podcast].
Beyond Phrenology. (2023). Conversation with Luis Favela, University of Central Florida. [Podcast].
Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh. (2019). 5 Minute Fellows: Luis Favela.
American Philosophical Association. (2018). APA member interview: Luis Favela.
My Human Interactivity and Language Lab (HILL) 2024 talk:
My LIBERATE (Living Better through Rehabilitative and Assistive Technologies) 2021 talk:
My New Challenges in Philosophy of Neuroscience 2018 talk:
Me during the Neural Mechanisms 2018 conference:
Commentary on Mazviita Chirimuuta’s Charting the Heraclitean brain: Perspectivism and simplification in models of the motor cortex.
Commentary on Alfredo Vernazzani’s The structure of sensorimotor explanation.
International and National Coverage of Research (Selected)
Pegasus Magazine. (2023, Spring). Minds on the matter: Two UCF faculty discuss our understanding of brain function and the mysteries we’re still trying to solve.
UCF Today. (2022, November 15). UCF philosophy professor selected as Scialog fellow for molecular basis of cognition research.
Photos from Luis Favela's Lunchtime Talk! (2019, October 22). Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh.
Science Trends. (2019, May 28). Reasoning comes in degrees, not different kinds.
University of Central Florida. (2019, March 6). Luis Favela accepted as a fellow at the University of Pittsburgh.
Discrimination and Disadvantage. (2016, May 18). Dialogues on Disability. (Dr. Bryony Pierce, of the University of Bristol, discusses my research at the intersection of philosophy and experimental psychology that is relevant to the area of disability.)
Central Florida Future. (2016, February 3). Top 10 weirdest classes at UCF.
Easter Seals Crossroads: Disability Services. (2014, December 16). Visually impaired can ‘see’ with Enactive Torch.
BioOptics World. (2014, September 16). Handheld IR device could be game-changer for the visually impaired.
European Institute of Innovation & Technology ICT Labs. (2014, September 13). Haptic sight.
WCPO Cincinnati Channel 9. (2014, August 27). University of Cincinnati investigates new technology for the visually impaired.
Optometry Today. (2014, August 20). Seeing with infrared.
TechCrunch. (2014, August 13). The Enactive Torch is a sensor that helps the blind ‘see.’
Photonics. (2014, August 13). IR sensor provides ‘virtual touch’ for blind.
The Australian. (2014, August 12). Robots pave way for a better way to see life.
Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence. (2014, August 12). Infrared-based haptic ‘buzz’ device found to work as well as vision in experiment,
ZME Science. (2014, August 12). Star Trek walking cane lends virtual touch to the blind.
Medical Daily. (2014, August 11). Visually impaired will benefit from new infrared device: Enactive Torch helps the blind ‘see’ without canes.
UC Magazine. (2014, August 11). ‘Seeing’ through virtual touch is believing.
This article was reproduced in English-speaking news sites and blogs (e.g., Disabled World, Medical Xpress, Neuroscience News, Science Daily) and translated into languages such as Japanese, Persian, Russian, and Spanish.
Blog Posts
The Philosophers' Cocoon. (2015, September 20). What's the big deal about illusions?
The Philosophers' Cocoon. (2015, September 17). Extended mind, extended life?
The Philosophers' Cocoon. (2015, September 12). Pink: The sweet spot of extended cognition.
The Philosophers' Cocoon. (2015, September 7). What is complexity science?