Courses Taught
Indiana University Bloomington
Graduate: Cognitive Science
Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences
Graduate: History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine
Topics in the Philosophy of Science: History and Philosophy of Complex Systems
Science and Values
Undergraduate: History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine
Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Studies: "Where is My Mind?"
Science and Values
University of Central Florida
Graduate: Cognitive Sciences
Research Methods in the Cognitive Sciences
Graduate: Philosophy
Philosophies of Embodiment
Undergraduate: Philosophy
Critical Thinking
Embodiment: Mind, Body, and Self
Honors Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy
Minds and Machines: Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Science
Undergraduate: Interdisciplinary
Philosophy and Religious Studies
The Buddha’s Brain: Buddhism and Cognitive Sciences in Dialogue
Directed Readings and Independent Research
Metaphysical Grounding and Levels
Philosophy of Language
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Distributed Cognition
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Dynamical Cognitive Science
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Situated and Thermodynamic Approaches to Cognition
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Panpsychism
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Phenomenology and Medicine
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Philosophy of Memory
Topics in Philosophy of Mind: Social Perception
Topics in Philosophy of Science: Complex and Dynamical Systems
Topics in Philosophy of Science: Complexity Science and Health
Topics in Philosophy of Science: History and Foundations of Cybernetics and Systems Theory
Topics in Philosophy of Science: Process Philosophy and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Science
University of Cincinnati
Undergraduate: Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Issues
Critical Thinking
Philosophy and Cognitive Ethology
Philosophy and Religion
Undergraduate: Psychology
Cognitive Science
Instructional/Teaching Assistant
University of Cincinnati
Undergraduate: Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Issues
Critical Thinking
Moral and Political Ideas: 20th/21st Century
Moral and Political Ideas: Modern Period
Sex and Death
Secondary Education
High School Teacher
English: 9th and 11th grade
Instructional Assistant
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program: 7th through 12th grade

Students learned I'm not a big fan of mechanistic explanations.
So, of course, they made these t-shirts.